Camden County Library's eContent includes eBooks, downloadable audio, music, and magazines, and streaming video. You can search the catalog directly or browse each of the separate collections by clicking on the links below. Hoopla has some of its collection in the catalog. Find more titles by searching Hoopla directly. |
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Music, Comics, Videos, TV, eBooks and Audiobooks
Includes streaming movies and TV, eBooks and audiobooks, music albums and comics and graphic novels. No waiting lists! More information
eBooks, Audiobooks, and Magazines
Libby eBooks and eAudiobooks from Overdrive are part of a collection we share with other South Jersey libraries. View on a computer, tablet or phone. More information
Streaming Video
Kanopy showcases more than 30,000 of the world’s best films, including award-winning documentaries, rare and hard-to-find titles, film festival favorites, indie and classic films, and world cinema. More information
Streaming Video
Stingray Classica: watch beautiful classical music, operas, and ballets from around the world, anywhere, anytime. Concerts, operas, ballets, documentaries, Festivals and more.
Qello Concerts: Stream the world's largest collection of on-demand full-length music performances, concert films, and music documentaries. Give your favorite headliners a standing ovation from the best seat in the house anywhere, anytime!
The Camden County Library System offers free access to The New York Times online. Each remote session lasts 24 hours and can be renewed each day. Also offered are New York Times Games, New York Times Cooking, and The Athletic.
Get access to more than 7,000 of the world’s top newspapers and magazines, including the Philadelphia Inquirer, as soon as they are available on shelves. Enjoy content from more 120 countries and in more than 60 languages.
Get free access to The Wall Street Journal online. Each session lasts 3 days and can be renewed at the end of each 3-day period. You can also sign up for daily and weekly email newsletters and alerts.
Choose from thousands of digital magazines on PressReader. No checkout limits. More information
Check out ebooks with your library card using the Axis 360 website or app. Choose from thousands of titles for adults, teens, and children.
Animated Books
Animated, talking picture books; audiobooks; and games and puzzles, all available at the library or from home. More information
Storytimes, How-tos, and more created by our Library Staff