Books | Databases | Community Resources | Medical Information and Help | Websites and Organizations
Keep Sharp: Build a Better Brain at Any Age - Sanjay Gupta
The Ultimate Retirement Guide for 50+: Winning Strategies to Make Your Money Last a Lifetime - Suze Orman
Aging Thoughtfully: Conversations about Retirement, Romance, Wrinkles, and Regret - Martha c. Nussbaum and Saul Levmore
Social Security for Dummies - Jonathan Peterson
Medicare for Dummies – Patricia Barry
Legal Information Reference Center
Access books, forms, and other tools relevant to many older adults, including “Will and Estate Planning” and “Long Term Care”. Browse by subject, title of resource, or use the keyword search option.
Health Reference Center
Provides articles from books and journals on many health topics. (If you land on the Infobase Products page, choose the "Health Reference Center" tile). Choose "Senior Health" through the "Health Centers" category, accessed either from the Browse function under the Search bar or by scrolling through the "Health Center" tiles on the Home Page.
Salem Health
Allows access to books and articles published by Salem Press. Use the term "Older Adults" or "Seniors" to narrow your search generally or search by a specific topic, such as "Retirement" or "Assisted Living", for lists of online resources to view onscreen.
In Camden County
Camden County - Services for Seniors
This is the starting point for County-wide resources and benefits for seniors, from benefits counseling to transportation. You can call the Division directly at 800-955-2446.
Camden County Senior and Disabled Services 877-222-3737
Find information on many issues and local services of interest to older adults, including "Transportation", "Legal Services", and “Grandparents", easily accessed by a menu bar of topics. “A Guide to Seniors and Caregivers” is available to download or view onscreen.
Workforce 55+
A partnership program between government agencies and local community organizations to provide disadvantaged, mature workers resources and support to obtain employment.
Division of Aging Services (part of the NJ Department of Human Services)
Provides comprehensive information on federal, state, and local programs and services for New Jersey’s older population and caregivers.
In New Jersey
NJ HealthEASE (New Jersey Easy Access, Single Entry (NJ EASE))
This is an easy way for seniors and their families to get information about, and access to senior services by calling a toll free phone number which will be answered by a person from an agency in your county.
Call toll-free: 1-877-222-3737.
Senior Services Quick links to directories, housing options, health & wellness resources, benefits and safely information for New Jersey seniors.
Dollar a Day - Special Automobile Insurance Company (SAIP)
This initiative helps make limited auto insurance coverage available to drivers who are eligible for Federal Medicaid with hospitalization. Such drivers can obtain a medical coverage-only policy at a cost of $365 a year.
Federal Benefits for Seniors
Lists programs from the federal government for older persons, such as employment and the Older Americans Act.
A comprehensive site on the federal health insurance program for people 65 or older, including plans, costs, providers, and prescription drug coverage.
State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)
Provides free help to New Jersey's Medicare beneficiaries who have problems or questions about their health insurance. Call them at 800-792-8820
Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled (PAAD)
New Jersey state funded prescription assistance.
NJ Find a Ride.
Check for local transportation programs by county in New Jersey:
Division of Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Distributes assistive technology to qualified deaf, hard of hearing and deaf-blind New Jersey residents, as well as those with a serious speech impediment.
NJ State Library Talking Book & Braille Center
Offers free items, resources and services for the hearing and visually impaired.
A nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization for people age 50 and over, dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for all as we age.
Social Security Administration
Offers information on social security benefits as well as providing some online services, such as applying for benefits and managing your account.
Updated 01/2023