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Music, Movies & More

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Music Movies  Concerts



Hoopla Music

Hoopla Music
With more than 250,000 titles you're sure to find what you're looking for!  Play on your phone or tablet using the Hoopla app. Or use on your PC or Mac - music is played in a pop-out audio player so you can continue to use your computer normally while listening. Music albums can be borrowed for 7 days. Hoopla also has movies, ebooks, audiobooks, and comics!  Get more info and get the app.

A-Z Lyrics Universe
Lyrics to over 45,000 songs.  Can't find what you're looking for?  You can put in a request or add your favorites to the site.
Biographies, albums and song reviews, recommendations for all genres of music.

Bands in Town 
Bandsintown alerts you when your favorite bands and DJs are coming to town. Sign up on Facebook or get it on your phone for iOS or Android

Billboard's top 100, new releases, reviews and digital downloads.

Grammy Awards Lists
Current and past winners, audio and video interviews, music downloads, and tips on a career in the music business.

Stream from more than 30 million songs, on the web or through the app.  Free with commercials or upgrade to premium.  Are you already in college?  You can get a discount combined membership of Spotify Premium and Hulu for $4.99.  If you're still at home you can get a family membership - 6 accounts for $15.

What concerts or shows are going to be in town? How much will they cost? If Ticketmaster sells the tickets, you can find out about it here.


Movies & Television


Hoopla Movies

There are more than 8,000 movies and 12,000 TV shows, including complete series, in the hoopla collection. Want to know what other people think of the show?  Many titles include Rotten Tomatoes reviews.  More titles are added each month.

Watch on a phone or tablet using the mobile app or stream on your computer.  You can borrow up to 12 items from hoopla each month. Movies can be checked out for three days.Hoopla also has music, ebooks, audiobooks, and comics! Get more info and get the app.


Internet Movie Database
The Earth's biggest movie database.

Movie Trailers
See previews of the latest movies.

Rotten Tomatoes -- Honest Movie Reviews

South Movie Listings
Local movie listings, reviews, upcoming movies.

Looking for more movies and television?  The library has many DVDs of new and classic movies and multi-sets of seasons of television show. Search the catalog. 




Qello Concerts
Stream the world's largest collection of on-demand full-length music performances, concert films, and music documentaries. There are thousands to choose from, with new concerts added every week. Use the Libby app to watch on any device or your PC or Mac. There is no limit on watching.  Get access to all concerts for seven days.  You can then repeat the process as often as you'd like.

Stingray Classica - Classical Performances

Prefer classical music?  Use Classica to watch beautiful classical music, operas, and ballets from around the world, anywhere, anytime.